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SB827: Difference between revisions

Added info on Mill Valley (Marin)
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(Added info on Mill Valley (Marin))
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=== [https://leginfo.legislature.ca.gov/faces/billTextClient.xhtml?bill_id=201720180SB827 Bill text]. ===
=== <br/> TransitrichhousingTransitRichHousing.org - Sasha Aickin's&nbsp;map showing areas where zoning would be affected ===
Sasha Aickin, formerly CTO of Redfin, created an interactive California map showing transit-rich areas according to current bill, and partially complete transit-route data:&nbsp;&nbsp;[https://transitrichhousing.org/ https://transitrichhousing.org]
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Aickin is not a transit professional, state or government employee. He produced this unofficial map in his spare time. He is an advocate for SB827. He states "I make no warranties as to the correctness of this map, and by using this map, you agree that you understand that."<br/> &nbsp;
=== PolicyclubPolicyClub.io SB 227 Interactive&nbsp;Los Angeles Map ===
[http://policyclub.io/sb-827 http://policyclub.io/sb-827]<br/> &nbsp;
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"Given that the significant changes to California’s housing law have only been in effect for a few weeks, the Legislature’s focus should not be on passing more bills that seek to change the rules for housing construction, but rather assist HCD with implementing the new laws."
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=== Berkeley Mayor Jesse Arreguin ===
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=== Beverly Hills councilmember John Mirisch ===
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=== Mill Valley (Marin county) Mayor&nbsp;Stephanie Moulton-Peters ===
Letter, 9 February 2018: "[http://www.cityofmillvalley.org/civicax/filebank/blobdload.aspx?BlobID=28305 RE: Notice of Opposition: 2018 Housing Legislation Targeted at Local Communities, including SB 827 and SB 828]"
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