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'''The International Influence of YIMBY'''
9:00 to 10:00 a.m. | Wednesday, April 14, 2021
"In many cities around the world, the cost and availability of housing has reached crisis levels — and the plight has been only further worsened by the COVID-19 pandemic. In response, grassroots organizations adhering to the slogan of YIMBY, for Yes In My Backyard, have emerged in recent years to demand new housing, denounce bureaucratic obstacles, challenge public opposition to development and flout traditional political coalitions in order to create something both novel and widely inspiring. Come learn about the origins of the YIMBY movement and how an incredible momentum has carried it to profound impact in metropolitan regions around the globe."
Housing towers in the park
Photo by Flickr user Photos of East Village, 2013 - www.gov.uk/oda
In many cities around the world, the cost and availability of housing has reached crisis levels — and the plight has been only further worsened by the COVID-19 pandemic. In response, grassroots organizations adhering to the slogan of YIMBY, for Yes In My Backyard, have emerged in recent years to demand new housing, denounce bureaucratic obstacles, challenge public opposition to development and flout traditional political coalitions in order to create something both novel and widely inspiring. Come learn about the origins of the YIMBY movement and how an incredible momentum has carried it to profound impact in metropolitan regions around the globe.
Co-presented by the Chicago Council on Global Affairs.