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Wikipedia (Swedish) page [https://sv.wikipedia.org/wiki/Yimby YIMBY],  [https://translate.google.com/translate?sl=auto&tl=en&js=y&prev=_t&hl=en&ie=UTF-8&u=https://sv.wikipedia.org/wiki/Yimby&edit-text=&act=url translated to English], describes it thus:
<blockquote>"Yimby is an acronym for the English phrase Yes in my backyard , which is a counter reaction to the Nimby phenomenon, Not in my backyard . The term "Yimby" is linked to urban planning, which means that one is fundamentally positive about changes in its vicinity.<br/> <br/> "Yimby is also an independent political party network, founded in Stockholm in 2007, which advocates physical development, densification and promotion of urban environment , and occurs in, among other things, Gothenburg, Oslo, Stockholm and Uppsala. The network criticizes several of the ideas that dominated urban development, especially during the second half of the 20th century, such as the spreading of the city, car dependence and the so-called " neighborhood planning,"&nbsp;which meant that areas were planned as individual communities, rather than as parts of the larger city. The network also criticizes parts of the environmental movement and argues that a principle of resistance to densification and expansion of the city's urban forms is blocking the problem of exploration and dispersal of the city, which requires large natural areas and complicates the ability to build efficient public transport solutions . The network has also repeatedly criticized the lack of real parks in Stockholm, while there are many impediments in the form of unused green spaces."</blockquote>
=== YIMBY Helsinki (2009) ===
Lisää Kaupunkia Helsinkiin
founded in 2009 by Mikko Sarela.
"I founded YIMBY Helsinki group (Lisää kaupunkia Helsinkiin) in November 22 2009." https://www.linkedin.com/in/mikko-s%C3%A4rel%C3%A4-6b513a/
See Mikko Sarela on panel at event:
'''The International Influence of YIMBY'''
9:00 to 10:00 a.m. | Wednesday, April 14, 2021
"In many cities around the world, the cost and availability of housing has reached crisis levels — and the plight has been only further worsened by the COVID-19 pandemic. In response, grassroots organizations adhering to the slogan of YIMBY, for Yes In My Backyard, have emerged in recent years to demand new housing, denounce bureaucratic obstacles, challenge public opposition to development and flout traditional political coalitions in order to create something both novel and widely inspiring. Come learn about the origins of the YIMBY movement and how an incredible momentum has carried it to profound impact in metropolitan regions around the globe."
Co-presented by the Chicago Council on Global Affairs.
+ Sonja Trauss / YIMBY Law
+ John Myers / London YIMBY
+ Mikko Sarela / Lisää Kaupunkia Helsinkiin (YIMBY Helsinki)
+ Samuel Kling / Chicago Council on Global Affairs
=== <br/> NewYorkYimby.com ===