Village Buildings bibliography: Difference between revisions

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Abrams, Charles. ''Man's Struggle for Shelter in an Urbanizing World''. (1964).&nbsp;
Agamben, Giorgio. (1998). ''Homo sacer: Sovereign power and bare life''. Stanford, CA: Stanford University Press.
Agamben, Giorgio. (1998). ''Homo sacer: Sovereign power and bare life''. Stanford, CA: Stanford University Press. br /> &nbsp; See especially Ch.7, "The Camp as the 'Nomos' of the Modern".<blockquote>''&nbsp;"In his main work "Homo Sacer: Sovereign Power and Bare Life" (1998), Giorgio Agamben analyzes an obscure figure of Roman law that poses fundamental questions about the nature of law and power in general. Under the laws of the Roman Empire, a man who committed a certain kind of crime was banned from society and all of his rights as a citizen were revoked. He thus became a "homo sacer" (sacred man). In consequence, he could be killed by anybody, while his life on the other hand was deemed "sacred", so he could not be sacrificed in a ritual ceremony." [...]'' ''.<br /> "Agamben opines that laws have always assumed the authority to define "bare life" — zoe, as opposed to bios, that is 'qualified life' — by making this exclusive operation, while at the same time gaining power over it by making it the subject of political control. The power of law to actively separate "political" beings (citizens) from "bare life" (bodies) has carried on from Antiquity to Modernity — from, literally, Aristotle to Auschwitz. Aristotle, as Agamben notes, constitutes political life via a simultaneous inclusion and exclusion of "bare life": as Aristotle says, man is an animal born to life (Gk. ζῆν, zen), but existing with regard to the good life (εὖ ζῆν, eu zen) which can be achieved through politics. Bare life, in this ancient conception of politics, is that which must be transformed, via the State, into the "good life"; that is, bare life is that which is supposedly excluded from the higher aims of the state, yet is included precisely so that it may be transformed into this "good life". Sovereignty, then, is conceived from ancient times as the power which determines what or who is to be incorporated into the political body (in accord with its bios) by means of the more originary exclusion (or exception) of what is to remain outside the political body—which is at the same time the source of that body's composition (zoe). According to Agamben, biopower, which takes the bare lives of the citizens into its political calculations, may be more marked in the modern state, but has essentially existed since the beginnings of sovereignty in the West, since this structure of ex-ception is essential to the core concept of sovereignty. '' ''.<br />'' ''&nbsp;"Agamben would continue to expand the theory of the state of exception first introduced in "Homo Sacer: Sovereign Power and Bare Life", ultimately leading to the "State of Exception" in 2005. Instead of leaving a space between law and life, the space where human action is possible, the space that used to constitute politics, he argues that politics has "contaminated itself with law" in the state of exception. Because "only human action is able to cut the relationship between violence and law", it becomes increasingly difficult within the state of exception for humanity to act against the State."'' </blockquote>
See especially Ch.7, "The Camp as the 'Nomos' of the Modern".<blockquote>''&nbsp;"In his main work "Homo Sacer: Sovereign Power and Bare Life" (1998), Giorgio Agamben analyzes an obscure figure of Roman law that poses fundamental questions about the nature of law and power in general. Under the laws of the Roman Empire, a man who committed a certain kind of crime was banned from society and all of his rights as a citizen were revoked. He thus became a "homo sacer" (sacred man). In consequence, he could be killed by anybody, while his life on the other hand was deemed "sacred", so he could not be sacrificed in a ritual ceremony." [...]'' ''.<br /> "Agamben opines that laws have always assumed the authority to define "bare life" — zoe, as opposed to bios, that is 'qualified life' — by making this exclusive operation, while at the same time gaining power over it by making it the subject of political control. The power of law to actively separate "political" beings (citizens) from "bare life" (bodies) has carried on from Antiquity to Modernity — from, literally, Aristotle to Auschwitz. Aristotle, as Agamben notes, constitutes political life via a simultaneous inclusion and exclusion of "bare life": as Aristotle says, man is an animal born to life (Gk. ζῆν, zen), but existing with regard to the good life (εὖ ζῆν, eu zen) which can be achieved through politics. Bare life, in this ancient conception of politics, is that which must be transformed, via the State, into the "good life"; that is, bare life is that which is supposedly excluded from the higher aims of the state, yet is included precisely so that it may be transformed into this "good life". Sovereignty, then, is conceived from ancient times as the power which determines what or who is to be incorporated into the political body (in accord with its bios) by means of the more originary exclusion (or exception) of what is to remain outside the political body—which is at the same time the source of that body's composition (zoe). According to Agamben, biopower, which takes the bare lives of the citizens into its political calculations, may be more marked in the modern state, but has essentially existed since the beginnings of sovereignty in the West, since this structure of ex-ception is essential to the core concept of sovereignty. '' ''.<br />'' ''&nbsp;"Agamben would continue to expand the theory of the state of exception first introduced in "Homo Sacer: Sovereign Power and Bare Life", ultimately leading to the "State of Exception" in 2005. Instead of leaving a space between law and life, the space where human action is possible, the space that used to constitute politics, he argues that politics has "contaminated itself with law" in the state of exception. Because "only human action is able to cut the relationship between violence and law", it becomes increasingly difficult within the state of exception for humanity to act against the State."'' </blockquote>
Alexander, Christopher, and Murray Silverstein, Shlomo Angel, Sara Ishikawa, Denny Abrams. &nbsp; &nbsp;<br /> ___.&nbsp;''The Oregon Experiment'', 1975.<br /> ___. ''A Pattern Language'', 1977<br /> ___. ''The Timeless Way of Building'', 1979.
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Anderson, Nels. (1923). ''The Hobo: The sociology of the homeless man''. Chicago, IL: University of Chicago Press.
Anson, April. (2014). The World in my Backyard”: Romanticization, Thoreauvian Rhetoric, and Constructive Confrontation in the Tiny House Movement”. Research in Urban Sociology, 14, 289–314. PDF: [;]
Line 187 ⟶ 189:
Gabriele, Kristen Elizabeth [2014]. "Design & Management Strategies for Micro-housing Units in Transitional Villages for the Homeless: an Exploration of Prototypes at Opportunity Village Eugene." M.Arch thesis for SUNY Buffalo, 1 September 2014. &nbsp;[;]<br /> &nbsp; &nbsp;"The findings from this study provide design alternatives that can lead to improved user satisfaction in micro-housing prototypes."&nbsp;<br /> &nbsp;
Gabriele, Kristen Elizabeth [2014]. "Design & Management Strategies for Micro-housing Units in Transitional Villages for the Homeless: an Exploration of Prototypes at Opportunity Village Eugene." M.Arch thesis for SUNY Buffalo, 1 September 2014. &nbsp;[;]<br /> &nbsp; &nbsp;"The findings from this study provide design alternatives that can lead to improved user satisfaction in micro-housing prototypes."&nbsp; &nbsp;
Gans. Herbert J. (1972). "The Positive Functions of Poverty." The American Journal of Sociology, Vol. 78, No. 2. (Sep., 1972), pp. 275-289. DOI: PDF:<blockquote>''&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;"Abstract: Mertonian functional analysis is applied to explain the persistence of poverty, and fifteen functions which poverty and the poor perform for the rest of American society, particularly the affluent, are identified and described. Functional alternatives which would substitute for these functions and make poverty unnecessary are suggested, but the most important alternatives are themselves dysfunctional for the affluent, since they require some redistribution of income and power. A functional analysis of poverty thus comes to many of the same conclusions as radical sociological analysis, demonstrating anew Merton's assertion that functionalism need not be conservative in ideological outlook or implication."'' &nbsp;
<br /></blockquote>
Gauldie, Enid. (1974). ''Cruel habitations ; a history of working-class housing 1780-1918''. George Allen & Unwin, UK / Harper & Row, USA, 1974.<blockquote>''Unusual for discussing both rural and urban UK lower-class housing of the time. A basic point: rural housing was often as bad or worse than the urban housing usually focused on.'' </blockquote>
Unusual for discussing both rural and urban UK lower-class housing of the time. A basic point: rural housing was often as bad or worse than the urban housing usually focused on.
Gifford, Laura Jane. "Planning for a Productive Paradise: Tom McCall and the Conservationist Tale of Oregon Land-Use Policy." ''Oregon Historical Quarterly'' , Vol. 115, No. 4 (Winter 2014), pp. 470-501. Stable URL: PDF:
Glasser, Irene. (1994). ''Homelessness in global perspective''. New York: G.K. Hall Reference. LC-93-25087. Available for checkout at Internet Archive:
Grabow, Stephen, and Allen Heskin. "Foundations for a Radical Concept of Planning." ''Journal of the American Institute of Planning'', vol. 39, no. 2, 1973:106-14. DOI: [;] PDF:
Glasser, Irene. (1994). ''Homelessness in global perspective''. New York: G.K. Hall Reference. LC-93-25087. Available for checkout at Internet Archive:<br /> &nbsp;
Glaser, Gary. ''Justiceville – L.A.'s Homeless City''&nbsp;(film recording) 1987.&nbsp;[–-las-homeless-city].
Grabow, Stephen, and Allen Heskin. "Foundations for a Radical Concept of Planning." ''Journal of the American Institute of Planning'', vol. 39, no. 2, 1973:106-14. DOI: [;]<br /> PDF:<br /> &nbsp;
Gragg, Randy. "Guerrilla City." ''Architecture'', May 2002.&nbsp;<br /><nowiki/>.&nbsp;
Glaser, Gary. ''Justiceville – L.A.'s Homeless City''&nbsp;(film recording) 1987.&nbsp;[–-las-homeless-city].<br /> &nbsp;
<nowiki/><blockquote>&nbsp; &nbsp; “In its ‘permasite’ configuration, Dignity Village could potentially be a working model for a new type of truly sustainable, high density and mixed use, organically developing urban village model. If dev<nowiki/>eloped according to Dignity Villages wishes, the village would enhance Portland’s reputation as being the most green city in America. ... Dignity Village hopes to become a demonstration site for solar and wind power, permaculture, environmental restoration, stormwater and greywater reuse and innovative use of recycled materials and alternative building techniques for construction.”</blockquote>
Gragg, Randy. "Guerrilla City." ''Architecture'', May 2002.&nbsp;<br /><nowiki/>.&nbsp;<blockquote>&nbsp; &nbsp; “In its ‘permasite’ configuration, Dignity Village could potentially be a working model for a new type of truly sustainable, high density and mixed use, organically developing urban village model. If dev<nowiki/>eloped according to Dignity Villages wishes, the village would enhance Portland’s reputation as being the most green city in America. ... Dignity Village hopes to become a demonstration site for solar and wind power, permaculture, environmental restoration, stormwater and greywater reuse and innovative use of recycled materials and alternative building techniques for construction.”</blockquote>
Grant, Elizabeth, and Kelly Greenop, Albert L. Refiti, Daniel J. Glenn, eds (2018). ''The Handbook of Contemporary Indigenous Architecture''. Springer, 2018. E-ISBN 9789811069048.
Gregory, J. (1989). ''American Exodus: The Dustbowl Migration and Okie Culture in California''. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Grenell, Peter (1972). "Planning for Invisible People: Some Consequences of Bureaucratic Values and Practices." In [Turner & Fichtel, eds, ''Freedom to Build'', 1972].&nbsp; Grenell notes in footnote "I am indebted to Cora Du Bois, Zemurray Professor of Anthropology at Harvard University (retired), for introducing me to the term 'invisible people.'"&nbsp;<blockquote>&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;''"Both countries have severe housing problems in spite of the United States' great wealth and India's surfeit of manpower. Leaders of both nations believe these problems can be solved through modern technology and organization if sufficient resources are available. A fundamental consequence of this optimistic view is an underestimation of the variability and complexity of human needs, and also of the great resource represented by the people themselves....The result of these attitudes and their underlying values is to make people seem 'invisible' to those persons -- chiefly members of large bureaucratic organizations -- whose professed task is to serve them. It is only when invisible people have made their presence felt, through political agitation or sheer force of numbers, that governments have been compelled to recognize their existence and to institute new or revised goals and programs. This is as true in India with its islands of affluence amidst a sea of poverty, as it is in the United States with its pockets of poverty in almost university plenty."&nbsp;'' </blockquote>
Gregory, J. (1989). ''American Exodus: The Dustbowl Migration and Okie Culture in California''. Oxford: Oxford University Press. <br /> &nbsp;
Groth, Paul. Living Downtown: The History of Residential Hotels in the United States. Berkeley: &nbsp;University of California Press, &nbsp;c1994 1994. &nbsp;Full text available in UC Press E-Books Collection.&nbsp;
Grenell, Peter (1972). "Planning for Invisible People: Some Consequences of Bureaucratic Values and Practices." In [Turner & Fichtel, eds, ''Freedom to Build'', 1972].&nbsp;<br /> Grenell notes in footnote "I am indebted to Cora Du Bois, Zemurray Professor of Anthropology at Harvard University (retired), for introducing me to the term 'invisible people.'"&nbsp;<blockquote>&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;''"Both countries have severe housing problems in spite of the United States' great wealth and India's surfeit of manpower. Leaders of both nations believe these problems can be solved through modern technology and organization if sufficient resources are available. A fundamental consequence of this optimistic view is an underestimation of the variability and complexity of human needs, and also of the great resource represented by the people themselves....The result of these attitudes and their underlying values is to make people seem 'invisible' to those persons -- chiefly members of large bureaucratic organizations -- whose professed task is to serve them. It is only when invisible people have made their presence felt, through political agitation or sheer force of numbers, that governments have been compelled to recognize their existence and to institute new or revised goals and programs. This is as true in India with its islands of affluence amidst a sea of poverty, as it is in the United States with its pockets of poverty in almost university plenty."&nbsp;'' </blockquote>
Hagerty, Colleen. "These moms were homeless. Now they are starting a housing revolution." ''The Lily'' (''Washington Post''), 6 February 2020.
Groth, Paul. Living Downtown: The History of Residential Hotels in the United States. Berkeley: &nbsp;University of California Press, &nbsp;c1994 1994. &nbsp;Full text available in UC Press E-Books Collection.&nbsp;<br /> &nbsp;
Hailey, Charlie (2003). "Camp(site): architectures of duration and place." Ph.D dissertation, University of Florida, 2003. [;]
Hagerty, Colleen. "These moms were homeless. Now they are starting a housing revolution." ''The Lily'' (''Washington Post''), 6 February 2020.<br /> &nbsp;
Hailey, Charlie (20032008). "Camp(site)''Campsite: architecturesArchitectures of durationDuration and placePlace."'' Ph.DLouisiana dissertation,State University of FloridaPress, 20032008. [&nbsp; https:com/Campsite-Architectures-Duration-Place-Voices/archive.orgdp/details/campsitearchitec00hail080713323X.&nbsp;]<br /> &nbsp;
Hamdi, Nabeel (1995). ''Housing without Houses: Participation, Flexibility, Enablement''. Warwickshire: Practical Action Publishing (formerly Intermediate Technology Publications), The Schumacher Centre, 1995.&nbsp;<nowiki/>.&nbsp;
Hailey, Charlie (2008). ''Campsite: Architectures of Duration and Place.'' Louisiana State University Press, 2008.&nbsp;<br /> &nbsp;
Hamdi, Nabeel (19952004). ''HousingSmall without HousesChange: Participation,About Flexibility,the Enablement''.art Warwickshire:of Practicalpractice Actionand Publishingthe (formerlylimits Intermediateof Technologyplanning Publications),in Thecities''. SchumacherLondon: CentreEarthscan, 19952004.&nbsp;<nowiki/>pdf.&nbsp;<br /> &nbsp;
Harbarger, Molly, and Elliot Njus (2019). "Portland banking on low-rent SRO hotels to ease housing problems." ''The Oregonian'', April 27, 2019.
Hamdi, Nabeel (2004). ''Small Change: About the art of practice and the limits of planning in cities''. London: Earthscan, 2004.<br /> &nbsp;
Harbarger, Molly, and Elliot Njus (2019). "PortlandPolice bankingsweep onnew low-renthomeless SROcamp, hotelsVillage toof ease housing problemsHope." ''The Oregonian'',. AprilFeb 2702, 2019.2018<br /><br /> &nbsp;
Harbarger, Molly. "Police sweep new homeless camp, Village of Hope." The Oregonian. Feb 02, 2018<br /><br /> &nbsp;
Harms, Hans H. "User and Community Involvement in Housing and Its Effect on Professionalism." In [Turner & Fichtel, eds, Freedom to Build, 1972]. &nbsp;<blockquote>''"Problems of insufficiency and inadequacy are immanent in the present housing supply structure, which is oriented toward the supply side and the construction of units according to procedures set by industry and government, and which subsidized industry, professional 'facilitating beneficiaries,' and the rich in order to provide housing for the poor...Direct subsidies to users in combination with a network of decentralized services could increase the autonomy of low-income families without setting up complicated mechanisms to regulate the lives of the poor or the process by which housing for the poor is created."&nbsp;''<br /> Discusses&nbsp;1968 Tent City in Boston.&nbsp; &nbsp;</blockquote>
Harris, Richard (1999). "Slipping through the Cracks: The Origins of Aided Self-help Housing, 1918-53." Housing Studies, Vol. 14, No. 3, 281-309, 1999.&nbsp;<br /><br /> &nbsp;
Harvey, David (1999). "Frontiers of insurgent planning" (1999).&nbsp;<br /> &nbsp;
Harvey, David. ''Spaces of Hope'' (2000). <br />[excerpts: [[Spaces of Hope]]] <blockquote>Book description from publisher: ''"As the twentieth century drew to a close, the rich were getting richer; power was concentrating within huge corporations; vast tracts of the earth were being laid waste; three quarters of the earth's population had no control over its destiny and no claim to basic rights. There was nothing new in this. What was new was the virtual absence of any political will to do anything about it.'' Spaces of Hope ''takes issue with this. David Harvey brings an exciting perspective to two of the principal themes of contemporary social discourse: globalization and the body. Exploring the uneven geographical development of late-twentieth-century capitalism, and placing the working body in relation to this new geography, he finds in Marx's writings a wealth of relevant analysis and theoretical insight. In order to make much-needed changes, Harvey maintains, we need to become the architects of a different living and working environment and to learn to bridge the micro-scale of the body and the personal and the macro-scale of global political economy.Utopian movements have for centuries tried to construct a just society. Harvey looks at their history to ask why they failed and what the ideas behind them might still have to offer. His devastating description of the existing urban environment (Baltimore is his case study) fuels his argument that we can and must use the force of utopian imagining against all who say "there is no alternative." He outlines a new kind of utopian thought, which he calls dialectical utopianism, and refocuses our attention on possible designs for a more equitable world of work and living with nature. If any political ideology or plan is to work, he argues, it must take account of our human qualities. Finally, Harvey dares to sketch a very personal utopian vision in an appendix, one that leaves no doubt about his own geography of hope."''</blockquote>
Hayden, Dolores. ''Redesigning the American Dream: Gender, Housing, and Family Life''. (??)<br /> &nbsp;
Hayes, Ted. "History of JHUSA" [Justiceville/Homeless, USA - i.e. Dome City, Los Angeles]. Accessed 18 October 2019.&nbsp;<br /> &nbsp;
Hays, R. A. (2002). "Habitat for Humanity: Building Social Capital through Faith Based Service." ''Journal of Urban Affairs,'' 24(3), 247–269. DOI: PDF: [;]<br /> &nbsp;
Heben, Andrew (2011). “Inside Tent Cities,” Planning Magazine, 2011.&nbsp;<br /> &nbsp;
___. (2012). “From Camp to Village.” Communities Magazine, 2012.<br /> &nbsp;
___. (2013). "Opportunity Village: for and by the homeless.” The Global Urbanist, 2013.&nbsp;<br /> &nbsp;
___. (2014b). "It Takes a Village" Tiny House Magazine, 2014.<br /> &nbsp;
''___. ''(2014). ''Tent City Urbanism: From Self-Organized Camps to Tiny House Villages''. (2014).<br /> &nbsp;
____. (2014b). "2014 in Review: A Pivotal Year for Tiny House Villages.", 30 December 2014.<br /> &nbsp;
____. (2015). "2015 in Review: Tiny House Villages progress as traditional housing options continue to fall short.", 30 December 2015. [;]<br /> &nbsp;
Herring, Christopher (2014). "The New Logics of Homeless Seclusion:Homeless Encampments in America's West Coast Cities." ''City & Community'', 23 December 2014. PDF:
Herring, Christopher (2015a). "The Roots and Implications of the USA's Homeless Tent Cities." ''City'', Vol. 19, No. 5, 689-701, 2015. (co-authored with Manuel Lutz):
Herring, Christopher (2015b). "Evicting the Evicted: Five Misleading Rationales for Homeless Camp Evictions." ''Progressive Planning Magazine'', Fall 2015, 29-32.
Herring, Christopher (2015c). "Tent City, America." ''Places Journal.'' December 2015.
Herring, Christopher (2015d).  "Sheltering Those in Need: Architects Confront Homelessness" (Introductory Essay for the 2016 Berkeley Prize).
Herring, Christopher, and Dilara Yarbrough, Lisa Alatorre (2019). "Pervasive Penality: How the Criminalization of Poverty Perpetuates Homelessness." ''Social Problems'', 2019, 0, 1–19.
Holtzman, Ben. &nbsp;"When the Homeless Took Over." ["As the homeless and affordable housing crises become a focus on local and national campaigns, we must remember the rich history and critical contributions of homeless organizers."] Shelterforce, October 11, 2019.
Herring, Christopher, and Dilara Yarbrough, Lisa Alatorre (2019). "Pervasive Penality: How the Criminalization of Poverty Perpetuates Homelessness." ''Social Problems'', 2019, 0, 1–19.<br /> &nbsp;
HousingWiki. "Hyperlocalism." accessed 6 December, 2019.&nbsp;
Holtzman, Ben. &nbsp;"When the Homeless Took Over." ["As the homeless and affordable housing crises become a focus on local and national campaigns, we must remember the rich history and critical contributions of homeless organizers."] Shelterforce, October 11, 2019.<br /> &nbsp;
Immerwahr, Daniel (2018). ''Thinking Small: The United States and the Lure of Community Development''. Harvard University Press, 2015.&nbsp;<br /> &nbsp;
Jackson, John Brinckerhoff (J.B.).&nbsp;"The Movable Dwelling and How It came to America."&nbsp; ''New Mexico Studies in the Fine Arts,&nbsp;''1982; reprinted in&nbsp;''Discovering the Vernacular Landscape,&nbsp;''Yale University Press, 1984.&nbsp;[ "the%20movable%20dwelling"&pg=PA89#v=onepage&q&f=false].
Johnson, W. W. (1996). "Transcarceration and Social Control Policy: The 1980s and Beyond." ''Crime & Delinquency'', 42(1), 114–126.
Jones, Lucy. ''The Big Ones: How Natural Disasters Have Shaped Us (and What We Can Do About Them)''. 2018.&nbsp;
Johnson, W. W. (1996). "Transcarceration and Social Control Policy: The 1980s and Beyond." ''Crime & Delinquency'', 42(1), 114–126.<br /> &nbsp;
Justiceville/Homeless, USA (2001). "A Look at Dome Village." Dome Village Booklet Publication, Issue 3, July 2001.&nbsp;<br />
Jones, Lucy. ''The Big Ones: How Natural Disasters Have Shaped Us (and What We Can Do About Them)''. 2018.&nbsp;<br /> &nbsp;
Kahn, Lloyd. ''Tiny Homes: Simple Shelter'' (2012).&nbsp;
Justiceville/Homeless, USA (2001). "A Look at Dome Village." Dome Village Booklet Publication, Issue 3, July 2001.&nbsp;<br /><br /> &nbsp;
Kahn, Lloyd. ''Tinyand Homes:Bob SimpleEaston, eds. ''Shelter''. (2012).&nbsp;<br2nd />edition, 2000).&nbsp;
Kapur, Purnima. "From Ideas to Practice: 'Self-Help' in Housing From Interpretation to Application." M.S. Architecture Studies and M.C.P. thesis, MIT, 1989. &nbsp;[advisor: Nabeel Hamdi].
Kahn, Lloyd and Bob Easton, eds. ''Shelter''. (2nd edition, 2000).&nbsp;<br /> &nbsp;
Kavick, Ray. "First week at Camp Quixote." &nbsp;Works In Progress (Thurston County Rainbow Coalition), March 2007.
Kapur, Purnima. "From Ideas to Practice: 'Self-Help' in Housing From Interpretation to Application." M.S. Architecture Studies and M.C.P. thesis, MIT, 1989. &nbsp;[advisor: Nabeel Hamdi].<br /> &nbsp;
Karakusevic, Paul, and Abigail Batchelor. ''Social Housing: Definitions and Design Exemplars''. RIBA Publishing / Taylor & Francis, 2017.&nbsp;
Kavick, Ray. "First week at Camp Quixote." &nbsp;Works In Progress (Thurston County Rainbow Coalition), March 2007.<br /> &nbsp;
Karakusevic, Paul, and Abigail Batchelor. ''Social Housing: Definitions and Design Exemplars''. RIBA Publishing / Taylor & Francis, 2017.&nbsp;<br /> &nbsp;
Kern, Ken. ''The Owner-Built Home''. (Homestead Press, 1972).
Kolodny, R. (1986). "The emergence of self-help as a housing strategy for the urban poor." In R. Bratt, C. Hartman, & A. Meyerson (Eds.), ''Critical perspectives on housing'' (pp. 447–462). Philadelphia: Temple University Press. (Available for online loan from Internet Archive:
Kolodny, R. (1986). "The emergence of self-help as a housing strategy for the urban poor." In R. Bratt, C. Hartman, & A. Meyerson (Eds.), ''Critical perspectives on housing'' (pp. 447–462). Philadelphia: Temple University Press. (Available for online loan from Internet Archive: <br /> &nbsp;
Kohn, W., & Mosher, H. (Codirectors). (2007). ''Tent cities toolkit: A multimedia grassroots primer'' [DVD]. Portland, OR: Kwamba Productions.&nbsp;
Korbi, Marson, and Andrea Migotto. "Between Rationalization and Political Project: The Existenzminimum from Klein and Teige to Today." Urban Planning. Vol 4, No 3 (2019).
Kosslyn, Neil. "A modern wiki for a modern internet: the Smallest Federated Wiki on The GovLab’s Demos for Democracy." ''GovLab Blog,'' August 15, 2014.
Kropotkin, Peter. ''The Conquest of Bread''. (1892).&nbsp;
Kosslyn, Neil. "A modern wiki for a modern internet: the Smallest Federated Wiki on The GovLab’s Demos for Democracy." ''GovLab Blog,'' August 15, 2014.<br /> &nbsp;
Lagdameo, Jennifer Baum. "How Tiny Pods Are the Future For Portland's Houseless Community." ''Dwell'', August 21, 2017. [;]
Kropotkin, Peter. ''The Conquest of Bread''. (1892).&nbsp;<br /> &nbsp;
Lakeman, Mark. "Dignity Village 2001 and Beyond: Outlining Strategies for a Sustainable Future."
Lagdameo, Jennifer Baum. "How Tiny Pods Are the Future For Portland's Houseless Community." ''Dwell'', August 21, 2017. [;]<br /> &nbsp;
Larson, Jane E. (2002). "Informality, Illegality, and Inequality." 20 YALE L. & POL'Y REV. 137 (2002).
Lakeman, Mark. "Dignity Village 2001 and Beyond: Outlining Strategies for a Sustainable Future."
Loftus-Farren, Zoe (2011). "Tent Cities: An Interim Solution to Homelessness and Affordable Housing Shortages in the United States." ''California Law Review'', Vol. 99, No. 4 (August 2011), pp. 1037-1081.<blockquote>''"However, tent cities, by definition, are unlikely ever to meet the standards we expect of more traditional and permanent housing, and most policy makers would agree that their residents deserve a higher standard of living than that attainable in an encampment. With these ethical implications in mind, tent cities may best be viewed as a temporary solution, one that can be embraced only so long as local governments are unable to afford or arrange for more suitable long-term solutions."'' &nbsp;</blockquote>Los Angeles County, Los Angeles County Homeless Initiative. "Housing Innovation Challenge." Accessed 11 March 2019.&nbsp; &nbsp;
Lubenau, Anne-Marie. "Site Visit: A Tiny House Village in Olympia Offers a New Model for Housing the Homeless." ["Quixote Village is a self-managed community that provides permanent, supportive housing for homeless adults"]. Metropolis Magazine, April 20, 2015. &nbsp;
Larson, Jane E. (2002). "Informality, Illegality, and Inequality." 20 YALE L. & POL'Y REV. 137 (2002).<br /> &nbsp;
MADWORKSHOP (Santa Monica). Homes for Hope project (2016-). [;]
Loftus-Farren, Zoe (2011). "Tent Cities: An Interim Solution to Homelessness and Affordable Housing Shortages in the United States." ''California Law Review'', Vol. 99, No. 4 (August 2011), pp. 1037-1081.<blockquote>''"However, tent cities, by definition, are unlikely ever to meet the standards we expect of more traditional and permanent housing, and most policy makers would agree that their residents deserve a higher standard of living than that attainable in an encampment. With these ethical implications in mind, tent cities may best be viewed as a temporary solution, one that can be embraced only so long as local governments are unable to afford or arrange for more suitable long-term solutions."''<br /> &nbsp;</blockquote>Los Angeles County, Los Angeles County Homeless Initiative. "Housing Innovation Challenge." Accessed 11 March 2019.&nbsp;<br /> &nbsp;
Lubenau, Anne-Marie. "Site Visit: A Tiny House Village in Olympia Offers a New Model for Housing the Homeless." ["Quixote Village is a self-managed community that provides permanent, supportive housing for homeless adults"]. Metropolis Magazine, April 20, 2015. &nbsp;<br /> &nbsp;
MADWORKSHOP (Santa Monica). Homes for Hope project (2016-). [;]<br />
Marcuse, P. (2016). "After Exposing the Roots of Homelessness – What?" ''Urban Geography, 38(3), 357–359.'' doi:10.1080/02723638.2016.1247601. <blockquote>"I am deeply impressed by the contributions to this symposium and the debates that have led up to it, and happy that my little essay of more than 25 years ago [Marcuse, Peter. "Neutralizing Homelessness." ''Socialist Review'', 1988. issue 1] fed into them. But at the same time I am saddened by its continued timeliness. <br />"It is now clear that we know enough about homelessness and its causes and effects to understand how abhorrent it is within an affluent society, and further that we know enough to be aware of what is needed to end it, what can and should be done. I write “‘we’ know enough”: at least no one seriously argues today that homelessness is inevitable as a natural and healthy phenomenon, needed to keep society going, providing an incentive for those too lazy or too stupid to get to work and take care of themselves. "So why do we still have homelessness in countries like the United States today?" [...] <br />"But consider the further implications of acting on what we know about homelessness, pursing its implications critically in public policy formation. The money and resources that are needed to provide adequate housing for all must either come from the private profit-motivated sector—we live in a capitalist society—, or from government. In the private sector that means raising wages and incomes substantially at the bottom and the middle; and in the government sector, raising taxes at the top. Clearly controversial. Power to bring about either event does not lie with those pushing to solve homelessness." "What needs to be done urgently today—yet will be done gradually and, ultimately, tomorrow—is really pretty clear." </blockquote>
McCormick, Tim. "From Monograph to Multigraph: the Distributed Book." London School of Economics, LSE Impact Blog, 17 January 2013.<br /> &nbsp;
McCormick, Tim (2015). "How might we put affordable housing on disused & small sites in San Francisco? ''Medium,&nbsp;''Nov 3, 2015.&nbsp;<br /> &nbsp;
McCormick, Tim (2015). "Tiny Houses for the Homeless in San Francisco?" ''Medium,&nbsp;''Nov 18, 2015.&nbsp;<nowiki/>.&nbsp;<br /> &nbsp;
McCormick, Tim (2016). "Cooperative Product Development" (notes / paper draft). January 2016.<br /> &nbsp;
McCormick, Tim (2016b). "Agile Housing -- a pattern language." 2016.&nbsp;[;]<br /> &nbsp;
McCormick, Tim (2018). "The New Urban Autonomous House."&nbsp;''Medium,&nbsp;''May 5, 2018.&nbsp;<br /> &nbsp;
McCormick, Tim (2019). "New Starter Homes creating a network of highly affordable, detachable, ownable, 'starter,' smart, tiny homes in Portland." [project proposal, originally created for Meyer Memorial Trust's 2018 Million Month Challenge grant program, 2018].&nbsp;[;]<br /> &nbsp;
McCoy, Mike. "Farm Labor Camps: A Look Back at How America Solved the Crisis During the Great Depression." Valley Ag Voice, 3 March 2020.<br /> &nbsp;
McCulloch, Heather, with Lisa Robinson (2001). "Sharing the Wealth: Resident Ownership Mechanisms." Oakland, CA: PolicyLink. Retrieved November 5, 2019, from:<br /> File:<br /> &nbsp;
Mehaffy, Michael M. (2019).&nbsp;''A Pattern Language for Growing Regions''. Sustasis Press, forthcoming 2019.
Menzies, Robert. (2015). "Transcarceration." in ''The Blackwell Encyclopedia of Sociology,'' Edited by George Ritzer, 2015.
Mingoya, Catherine. (2015). “Building Together. Tiny House Villages for the Homeless: A Comparative Case Study.” Unpublished master’s thesis, Massachusetts Institute of Technology. &nbsp;
Menzies, Robert. (2015). "Transcarceration." in ''The Blackwell Encyclopedia of Sociology,'' Edited by George Ritzer, 2015. <br /> &nbsp;
Minimum Cost Housing Group (McGill University School of Architecture). "Publications."
Mingoya, Catherine. (2015). “Building Together. Tiny House Villages for the Homeless: A Comparative Case Study.” Unpublished master’s thesis, Massachusetts Institute of Technology. &nbsp;<br /> &nbsp;
Mitchell, Don. (2011). "Homelessness, American Style." ''Urban Geography'', 32:7, 933-956, DOI: 10.2747/0272-3638.32.7.933.
Minimum Cost Housing Group (McGill University School of Architecture). "Publications." <br /> &nbsp;
Mitchell, Don. "Tent Cities: Interstitial Spaces of Survival." in Brighenti, Andrea Mubim ed. ''Urban Interstices: The Aesthetics and the Politics of the In-between''. Ashgate Publishing, 2013. [reprinted with minor changes in ''Mean Streets: Homelessness, Public Space, and the Limits of Capital'' (2020)]. [see also [[Don Mitchell]] for discussion/excerpts].
Mitchell, Don. (2011). "Homelessness, American Style." ''Urban Geography'', 32:7, 933-956, DOI: 10.2747/0272-3638.32.7.933. <br />&nbsp;
Mitchell, Don. "Tent Cities: Interstitial Spaces of Survival." in Brighenti, Andrea Mubim ed. ''Urban Interstices: The Aesthetics and the Politics of the In-between''. Ashgate Publishing, 2013. [reprinted with minor changes in ''Mean Streets: Homelessness, Public Space, and the Limits of Capital''. University of Georgia Press, (2020)]. [see also [[Don Mitchell]] for discussion/excerpts]. <br />&nbsp;
Mitchell, Ryan. ''Tiny House Living: Ideas For Building and Living Well In Less than 400 Square Feet''. (2014).
Mitchell, Don. ''Mean Streets: Homelessness, Public Space, and the Limits of Capital''. University of Georgia Press, 2020. [see also [[Don Mitchell]] for discussion/excerpts]. <br /> &nbsp;
Monahan, Rachel (2017). "A Developer Offers the Portland Mayor 300 Apartments at a Deep Discount—and Waits for a Reply." &nbsp;[on Rob Justus / Home First Development]. &nbsp;Willamette Week, March 21, 2017.&nbsp; [;]
Mitchell, Ryan. ''Tiny House Living: Ideas For Building and Living Well In Less than 400 Square Feet''. (2014).<br /> &nbsp;
Monahan, Rachel (2018). "With Plans to Build Housing for the Homeless, a Portland Developer is Privatizing Socialism." ["Reason no. 16 to love Portland right now"]. ''Willamette Week'', 14 February 2018.&nbsp;<br />Moore, Steven A, and Sergio Palleroni, eds. "The Alley Flat Initiative: Topics in Sustainable Development 2008 Report." University of Texas at Austin, School of Architecture, Center for Sustainable Development. &nbsp;July 2008. [;]
Monahan, Rachel (2017). "A Developer Offers the Portland Mayor 300 Apartments at a Deep Discount—and Waits for a Reply." &nbsp;[on Rob Justus / Home First Development]. &nbsp;Willamette Week, March 21, 2017.&nbsp; [;]<br /> &nbsp;
Mosher, Heather Irene, "Participatory Action Research with Dignity Village: An Action Tool for Empowerment Within a Homeless Community" (2010). Portland State University, Dissertations and Theses. Paper 36.
Monahan, Rachel (2018). "With Plans to Build Housing for the Homeless, a Portland Developer is Privatizing Socialism." ["Reason no. 16 to love Portland right now"]. ''Willamette Week'', 14 February 2018.&nbsp;<br /> &nbsp;
Mumford, Eric. "CIAM and Its Outcomes." [;]
Moore, Steven A, and Sergio Palleroni, eds. "The Alley Flat Initiative: Topics in Sustainable Development 2008 Report." University of Texas at Austin, School of Architecture, Center for Sustainable Development. &nbsp;July 2008. [;]<br />
Murphy, M. (2014). “Tiny Houses as Appropriate Technology.”&nbsp;''Communities'', No. 165, Winter 2014: Fellowship International Community.
Mosher, Heather Irene, "Participatory Action Research with Dignity Village: An Action Tool for Empowerment Within a Homeless Community" (2010). Portland State University, Dissertations and Theses. Paper 36.<br /> &nbsp;
Myers, John. "Fixing Urban Planning with Ostrom: Strategies for existing cities to adopt polycentric, bottom-up regulation of land use." Prepared for delivery at the Workshop on the Ostrom Workshop (WOW6) conference, Indiana University Bloomington, June 19–21, 2019. Working draft dated 31st May 2019.
Mumford, Eric. "CIAM and Its Outcomes." [;]<br /> &nbsp;
National Law Center on Homelessness & Poverty (2017). "Tent City, USA: The Growth of America’s Homeless Encampments and How Communities are Responding." December 2017.
Murphy, M. (2014). “Tiny Houses as Appropriate Technology.”&nbsp;''Communities'', No. 165, Winter 2014: Fellowship International Community.<br /> &nbsp;
Myers, John. "Fixing Urban Planning with Ostrom: Strategies for existing cities to adopt polycentric, bottom-up regulation of land use." Prepared for delivery at the Workshop on the Ostrom Workshop (WOW6) conference, Indiana University Bloomington, June 19–21, 2019. Working draft dated 31st May 2019.<br /> &nbsp;
National Law Center on Homelessness & Poverty (2017). "Tent City, USA: The Growth of America’s Homeless Encampments and How Communities are Responding." December 2017.<br /> &nbsp;
National Parks Service. "Pu'uhonua o Hōnaunau." Last updated 28 February, 2015; accessed 24 May 2020.
Nir, Sarah Maslin. "Thinking Outside the Box by Moving Into One." The New York Times, Oct. 13, 2015. [ [1]].
O'Connor, Charles James, et al (1913). San Francisco Relief Survey; the organization and methods of relief used after the earthquake and fire of April 18, 1906. &nbsp;New York: Survey Associates, 1913..&nbsp;
Nir, Sarah Maslin. "Thinking Outside the Box by Moving Into One." The New York Times, Oct. 13, 2015. [ [1]].<br /> &nbsp;
O’Regan, K. M., Quigley, J. M. (2000). "Federal Policy and the Rise of Nonprofit Housing Providers." ''Journal of Housing Research'', 11(2): 297-317.
O'Connor, Charles James, et al (1913). San Francisco Relief Survey; the organization and methods of relief used after the earthquake and fire of April 18, 1906. &nbsp;New York: Survey Associates, 1913..&nbsp;<br /> &nbsp;
Oregonian Editorial Board. "The bold promise to reduce homelessness: Editorial Agenda 2015." ''The Oregonian'', Updated Jan 09, 2019; Posted Oct 03, 2015.<br /> ''&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;"Dignity Village and Right 2 Dream Too, meanwhile, are ghettos operating successfully by their own logic, but they provide no working model for long-term accommodation to the city's burgeoning homeless population."''
O’Regan, K. M., Quigley, J. M. (2000). "Federal Policy and the Rise of Nonprofit Housing Providers." ''Journal of Housing Research'', 11(2): 297-317.<br /> &nbsp;
Oswill, Andrés (2016). The Landscape: Tiny and Very Small Houses. Metroscape (published by the Institute of Portland Metropolitan Studies, PSU), Summer 2016. <nowiki></nowiki>.
Oregonian Editorial Board. "The bold promise to reduce homelessness: Editorial Agenda 2015." ''The Oregonian'', Updated Jan 09, 2019; Posted Oct 03, 2015.<br /> ''&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;"Dignity Village and Right 2 Dream Too, meanwhile, are ghettos operating successfully by their own logic, but they provide no working model for long-term accommodation to the city's burgeoning homeless population."''<br /> &nbsp;
Pacheco, Antonio. "MADWORKSHOP’s Homeless Studio at USC delves into rapid rehousing prototype design." ''The Architect's Newspaper'', March 30, 2017. &nbsp;
Oswill, Andrés (2016). The Landscape: Tiny and Very Small Houses. Metroscape (published by the Institute of Portland Metropolitan Studies, PSU), Summer 2016. <nowiki></nowiki>.<br />
Palleroni, Sergio (2006) "Building to Learn/Learning to Build" [Collaboration Between a Mexican Squatter Community and American Architecture Students]. Oz: Vol. 28. [;]
Pacheco, Antonio. "MADWORKSHOP’s Homeless Studio at USC delves into rapid rehousing prototype design." ''The Architect's Newspaper'', March 30, 2017.<br /> &nbsp;
Palleroni, Sergio, & Merkelbach, Christina Eichbaum (2004). S''tudio at large: Architecture in Service of Global Communities''. Seattle, Wash: University of Washington Press. &nbsp;
Palleroni, Sergio (2006) "Building to Learn/Learning to Build" [Collaboration Between a Mexican Squatter Community and American Architecture Students]. Oz: Vol. 28. [;]<br /> &nbsp;
Palleroni, Sergio, and Vikramaditya Prakash. "Public Interest Design with Sergio Palleroni." ''Architecture Talk'' (podcast hosted by Prakash). &nbsp;March 13, 2019.
Palleroni, Sergio, & Merkelbach, Christina Eichbaum (2004). S''tudio at large: Architecture in Service of Global Communities''. Seattle, Wash: University of Washington Press.<br /> &nbsp;
Palmeri, Jordan. (2012). “Small Homes: Benefits, Trends and Policies”. As presented by the Oregon Department of Environmental Quality.<br /> Retrieved from: [;] &nbsp;
Palleroni, Sergio, and Vikramaditya Prakash. "Public Interest Design with Sergio Palleroni." ''Architecture Talk'' (podcast hosted by Prakash). &nbsp;March 13, 2019.<br /> &nbsp;
Park, Eileen. [2018] "Guerrilla Development's bold plan to end homelessness." by &nbsp;KOIN-TV, Oct 18, 2018. [].&nbsp;
Palmeri, Jordan. (2012). “Small Homes: Benefits, Trends and Policies”. As presented by the Oregon Department of Environmental Quality.<br /> Retrieved from: [;]<br /> &nbsp;
Parker, Will, with photographs by Leah Nash. "Does Oregon Have the Answer to High Housing Costs?" The Wall Street Journal, Oct. 23, 2019.
Park, Eileen. [2018] "Guerrilla Development's bold plan to end homelessness." by &nbsp;KOIN-TV, Oct 18, 2018. [].&nbsp;<br /> &nbsp;
Parr, Evanie and Rankin, Sara (2018). "It Takes a Village: Practical Guide for Authorized Encampments." Seattle University Homeless Rights Advocacy Project, May 3, 2018.&nbsp;Available at SSRN:&nbsp; &nbsp;
Parker, Will, with photographs by Leah Nash. "Does Oregon Have the Answer to High Housing Costs?" The Wall Street Journal, Oct. 23, 2019. [ [1]].<br /> &nbsp;
Parr, Evanie and Rankin, Sara (2018). "It Takes a Village: Practical Guide for Authorized Encampments." Seattle University Homeless Rights Advocacy Project, May 3, 2018.&nbsp;Available at SSRN:&nbsp;<br /> &nbsp;
Parsell, Cameron. "Homelessness, Identity, and our Poverty of Ambition."&nbsp;Keynote address at 14th European Research Conference on Homelessness. 20 September 2019, Helsingborg, Sweden.&nbsp;<br /> Presentation slides:<br /> Video: &nbsp; (2:40 - 33:20).&nbsp;<blockquote>''&nbsp; &nbsp; "We overserve people who are experiencing homelessness, and this overservicing represents one of the key barriers to actually ending it." (near start).'' ''<br /> &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;"Homelessness exists in Australia and increases because actually we pity them, we pity them&nbsp;<br /> as someone deficient, as the downtrodden, as a group of people that we want to exercise our compassion towards. Whereas a few years ago we were talking about justice, we were talking about evidence, we were talkingabout ending homelessness, this is what we're doing in Australia now: &nbsp;we're actually giving brand new vans and washing machines, and driving around washing their clothes."''</blockquote>
Line 413 ⟶ 403:
Parsell, Cameron, and Beth Watts. Charity and Justice: A Reflection on New Forms of Homelessness Provision in Australia. ''European Journal of Homelessness'', Vol&nbsp;11, No. 2, December 2017.<blockquote>&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp;''"Abstract: Charity directed at people who are homeless is invariably portrayed as positive. The good intentions of the provider of charity are not only lauded, but equated with positive outcomes for the receiver. The often severe material deprivation experienced by those who are homeless appears to justify the celebration of an extremely low bar of resource provision. Extending what has been the historic provision of food, drinks, blankets, and other day-to-day means of survival, contemporary charity in Australia also includes the provision of mobile shower, mobile clothes washing, and mobile hair dressing facilities. The emergence of similar ‘novel’ interventions to ‘help the homeless’ are seen in a wide range of other countries. In this paper we examine the consequences of providing charity to people who are homeless; consequences for the giver, receiver, and society more broadly. Drawing on the ideas of Peter Singer and the ‘effective altruist’ movement as a possible corrective to this prevailing view of charity, we suggest that such charitable interventions may not only do little good, but may actually do harm. We further argue that justice is achieved when inequities are disrupted so that people who are homeless can access the material condition required to exercise autonomy over how they live, including the resources required to wash, clothe and feed themselves how and when they choose."'' </blockquote>
Parvin, Alastair, and David Saxby, Cristina Cerulli, Tatjana Schneider (2011). "A Right to Build: The next mass-housebuilding industry." Architecture 00 and University of Sheffield School of Architecture, 2011.&nbsp;<nowiki/>.&nbsp;<br /> &nbsp;
Parvin, Alastair, and Andy Reeve (2016). "Scaling the Citizen Sector." Medium, Oct 5, 2016.&nbsp;<br />
Parvin, Alastair, and Andy Reeve (2016). "Scaling the Citizen Sector." Medium, Oct 5, 2016.&nbsp;<br /><br /> &nbsp;
Parvin, Alastair (2017). "Development without debt: Re-designing the way we invest in housing.", 27 January 2017.&nbsp;<blockquote>''"Finance the homes separately from the land:''<br />''One of the most confusing (and dumb) characteristics of the ‘current trader’ model is that it bundles the cost of the land into the cost of development. By financing the home (a consumer durable) separately from the land (a licensed property asset), in many cases it is possible to massively improve affordability. This might include leasing the land rather than selling it (arguably far more responsible in the case of publicly-owned land), deferring purchase over time, or collective purchase of the land. For example, a neighbourhood development company can purchase the land, represent a more appealing prospect to investors, because the risk of defaulting is spread over the whole neighbourhood. Matthew Benson of Rettie’s has proposed the use of ‘land bonds’, whereby a neighbourhood development company (for example a cooperative) could finance the cost of land by issuing 25 year bonds."'' &nbsp;</blockquote>
Parvin, Alastair, and Andy Reeve. "[ Affordable Land]." 2018. [;]<br /> &nbsp;
Petteni, Marta and Leickly, Emily, "Kenton Women’s Village Update and Survey" (2019).&nbsp;''Homelessness Research & Action Collaborative Publications and Presentations''. 10.<br /> &nbsp;
Piven, F. F., & Cloward, R. (1971). ''Regulating the poor: the functions of public welfare''. Pantheon, 1971; 2nd ed Vintage Books, 1993.&nbsp;<br /> &nbsp;
Pleace, Nicholas. "The Ambiguities, Limits and Risks of Housing First from a European Perspective." ''European Journal of Homelessness'', Vol&nbsp;5, No. 2, December 2011. [;]<br /> &nbsp;
Porotto, Alessandro, and Chiara Monterumisi. "New Perspectives on the II CIAM onwards: How Does Housing Build Cities?"<br /> &nbsp;
Portland City Planning Commission (1972). "Planning Guidelines - Portland Downtown Plan." [;]<br /> &nbsp;.
Prakash, Vikramaditya. (2019).&nbsp;"Public Interest Design with Sergio Palleroni." ''Architecture Talk'' (podcast hosted by Prakash). &nbsp;March 13, 2019.
Przybylinski, Stephen. (2020). "Securing legal rights to place: mobilizing around moral claims for a houseless rest space in Portland, Oregon." Urban Geography, DOI:10.1080/02723638.2020.1719307. [focuses on Right 2 Dream Too rest area].
Przybylinski, Stephen. (2020). "Securing legal rights to place: mobilizing around moral claims for a houseless rest space in Portland, Oregon." Urban Geography, DOI:10.1080/02723638.2020.1719307. [focuses on Right 2 Dream Too rest area]. <br /> &nbsp;
Rankin, Sara (January 28, 2020). "Hiding Homelessness: The Transcarceration of Homelessness." ''California Law Review'', Forthcoming. [].
Raymond, Eric Steven (2003).''The Art of Unix Programming''. &nbsp;
Richards, Rob. &nbsp;"A Tale of Tent Cities: A Camp Quixote Retrospective.", Oct 25, 2013. [;]
Raymond, Eric Steven (2003).''The Art of Unix Programming''.<br /> &nbsp;
Richards, Rob. &nbsp;"A Tale of Tent Cities: A Camp Quixote Retrospective.", Oct 25, 2013. [;]<br /> &nbsp;
Roy, Ananya (2003). “Paradigms Of Propertied Citizenship:&nbsp;Transnational Techniques of Analysis,” ''Urban Affairs Review,'' vol. 38, no. 4 (2003): 463–91. DOI: PDF: [;]<blockquote>''"Abstract: The American paradigm of propertied citizenship has far-reaching consequences for the propertyless, as in the brutal criminalization of the homeless. Activist groups, such as the anarchist squatter organization Homes Not Jails, have sought to challenge this paradigm through innovative techniques of property takeovers, invocations of American traditions of homesteading, and Third World tactics of self-help and informality. This study trains a transnational lens on both the paradigm and its subversions. Posing Third World questions of the First World, the author seeks to unsettle the normalized hierarchy of development and underdevelopment and explores lessons that can be learned from different modes of shelter struggles."''</blockquote>
Roy, Ananya Roy and Nezar AlSayyad, eds. (2004). ''Urban Informality''. Berkeley: University of California, Center for Middle Eastern Studies, 2004.&nbsp;<br /> &nbsp;
Ryder, Marianne. "USP528 - Concepts of Community Development" [course syllabus, Portland State University, Winter 2019]. &nbsp;[;]<br /> &nbsp;
Schmid, &nbsp;Thacher. "A New Self-Managed Homeless Village Just Sprang Up in Northeast Portland." ["The 'Village of Hope' Sits on City-Owned Land, and Is the First Such Community to Emerge Under Mayor Ted Wheeler"]. ''Portland Mercury'', Jan 28, 2018.&nbsp; <br /> &nbsp;
Schmidt, Alexandra (2017). "The Big Politics of Tiny Houses: Zoning Villages for Homeless Individuals." Undergraduate Honors Thesis, Urban Studies, University of Michigan. April 2017. [;]
Schuman, Tony. (1986). "The Agony and the Equity: A Critique of Self-Help Housing." In R. Bratt, C. Hartman, & A. Meyerson (Eds.), Critical perspectives on housing (pp. 447–462). Philadelphia: Temple University Press. (Available for online loan from Internet Archive:
Schumacher, E. F. (1973). S''mall Is Beautiful: A Study of Economics as If People Mattered''. London: Blond and Briggs, 1973.&nbsp;
Schuman, Tony. (1986). "The Agony and the Equity: A Critique of Self-Help Housing." In R. Bratt, C. Hartman, & A. Meyerson (Eds.), Critical perspectives on housing (pp. 447–462). Philadelphia: Temple University Press. (Available for online loan from Internet Archive: <br /> &nbsp;
Segel, Ginger (2015). "Tiny Houses: A Permanent Supportive Housing Model." Community Frameworks, (Bremerton & Spokane, Washington). Mar. 2015.&nbsp; &nbsp;
Schumacher, E. F. (1973). S''mall Is Beautiful: A Study of Economics as If People Mattered''. London: Blond and Briggs, 1973.&nbsp;<br /> &nbsp;
Shearer, Heather & Paul Burton (2019). "Towards a Typology of Tiny Houses." ''Housing, Theory and Society'', 36:3, 298-318, DOI: 10.1080/14036096.2018.1487879.
Segel, Ginger (2015). "Tiny Houses: A Permanent Supportive Housing Model." Community Frameworks, (Bremerton & Spokane, Washington). Mar. 2015.&nbsp;<br /> &nbsp;
Shenk, Timothy (2015). "Booked #1: What’s Wrong With Community Development?" [interview with Daniel Immerwahr, author of Thinking Small: The United States and the Lure of Community Development (2015). Dissent, January 29, 2015.&nbsp;<br /> &nbsp; &nbsp; Immerwahr: "I want a left that can operate on all scales. And part of that involves giving up this uncritical deference to 'communities.'"
Shearer, Heather & Paul Burton (2019). "Towards a Typology of Tiny Houses." ''Housing, Theory and Society'', 36:3, 298-318, DOI: 10.1080/14036096.2018.1487879.<br /> &nbsp;
Shenk, Timothy (2015). "Booked #1: What’s Wrong With Community Development?" [interview with Daniel Immerwahr, author of Thinking Small: The United States and the Lure of Community Development (2015). Dissent, January 29, 2015.&nbsp;<br /> &nbsp; &nbsp; Immerwahr: "I want a left that can operate on all scales. And part of that involves giving up this uncritical deference to 'communities.'"<br /> &nbsp;
Silverman, R. M. (2005). Caught in the Middle: Community Development Corporations (CDCs) and the Conflict between Grassroots and Instrumental Forms of Citizen Participation. Journal of the Community Development Society, 36 (2): 35-51. [;]<blockquote><br /> ''&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;"This article examines the role of citizen participation in community development corporations (CDC). It is argued that CDCs are caught between two distinct forms of participation: instrumental participation that focuses on activities that support project and program activities of CDCs, and grassroots participation that focuses on expanding the role of citizens in local decision-making processes. A continuum based on these two forms of citizen participation is introduced. It is suggested that CDCs are often in the middle of the continuum where they must balance pressures to expand the scope of grassroots participation against the need to use citizen participation techniques to facilitate project and program implementation. The article is based on a series of in-depth interviews with the executive directors of CDCs in Detroit, Michigan. Recommendations growing out of the research focus on how the tendency toward conflicts between the instrumental goals of CDCs and the longstanding value of grassroots activism can be managed better."''<br /> &nbsp;</blockquote>
Silverman, R. M. (2005). Caught in the Middle: Community Development Corporations (CDCs) and the Conflict between Grassroots and Instrumental Forms of Citizen Participation. Journal of the Community Development Society, 36 (2): 35-51. [;]<blockquote>''&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;"This article examines the role of citizen participation in community development corporations (CDC). It is argued that CDCs are caught between two distinct forms of participation: instrumental participation that focuses on activities that support project and program activities of CDCs, and grassroots participation that focuses on expanding the role of citizens in local decision-making processes. A continuum based on these two forms of citizen participation is introduced. It is suggested that CDCs are often in the middle of the continuum where they must balance pressures to expand the scope of grassroots participation against the need to use citizen participation techniques to facilitate project and program implementation. The article is based on a series of in-depth interviews with the executive directors of CDCs in Detroit, Michigan. Recommendations growing out of the research focus on how the tendency toward conflicts between the instrumental goals of CDCs and the longstanding value of grassroots activism can be managed better."''<br /> &nbsp;</blockquote>
Simon, William H. (2002). ''The Community Economic Development Movement: Law, Business, and the New Social Policy''. Duke University Press, 2002. &nbsp;$5.11<br /> &nbsp;
Simon, William H. (2002). ''The Community Economic Development Movement: Law, Business, and the New Social Policy''. Duke University Press, 2002.
Smith, Doug (2019). "Five winning ideas to build housing more quickly and cheaply for L.A.’s homeless community." Los Angeles Times, Feb 15, 2019. [;]<br /> &nbsp;
Smith, Doug (2019). "Five winning ideas to build housing more quickly and cheaply for L.A.’s homeless community." Los Angeles Times, Feb 15, 2019. [;]
Smock, Kristina (2010). "An Evaluation of Dignity Village." Prepared by Kristina Smock Consulting for the Portland Housing Bureau. February 2010. [ [1]].<br /> &nbsp;
Smock, Kristina (2010). "An Evaluation of Dignity Village." Prepared by Kristina Smock Consulting for the Portland Housing Bureau. February 2010. [ [1]].
Solomon, Molly. &nbsp;"What Would 'Housing as a Human Right' Look Like in California?" KQED News, 12 Feb 2020.<br /> &nbsp;
Solomon, Molly. &nbsp;"What Would 'Housing as a Human Right' Look Like in California?" KQED News, 12 Feb 2020.
Sparks, Tony (2009). As Much Like Home as Possible: Geographies of Homelessness and Citizenship in Seattle’s Tent City 3 (Ph.D. dissertation, University of Washington, 2009).
Sparks, Tony (2009). As Much Like Home as Possible: Geographies of Homelessness and Citizenship in Seattle’s Tent City 3 (Ph.D. dissertation, University of Washington, 2009).<br /> &nbsp;
Sparks, Tony. "Citizens without property: Informality and political agency in a Seattle, Washington homeless encampment." Environment and Planning A: Economy and Space. September 20, 2016.<br /> from Abstract:<blockquote>''"This article attempts to broaden and deepen the conversation on informal dwellings in the US by focusing on the tent encampment as a site of creative political agency and experimentation. Drawing upon a body of work referred to by some as “subaltern urbanism”, I examine how everyday practices of camp management produce localized forms of citizenship and governmentality through which “homeless” residents resist stereotypes of pathology and dependence, reclaim their rational autonomy, and recast deviance as negotiable difference in the production of governmental knowledge. Consideration of these practices, I argue, opens up the possibility of a of a view of encampments that foregrounds the agency of the homeless in the production of new political spaces and subjectivities."''</blockquote>
Sparks, Tony. (2016). "Neutralizing Homelessness, 2015: Tent cities and ten year plans." ''Urban Geography'', 38(3), 348–356. DOI: 10.1080/02723638.2016.1247600.<br /> &nbsp;
Spevak, Eli, and Madeline Kovacs, Orange Splot LLC. "Character-Compatible, Space-Efficient Housing Options for Single-Dwelling Neighborhoods." Oregon Transportation and Growth Management Program, and Oregon Department of Environmental Quality. May 2016.<br /> Cottage Clusters<br /> Internal Home Divisions<br /> Corner Duplexes<br /> Accessory Dwelling Units<br /> &nbsp;
Spohn, Richard B. (1972). "The Owner-Builder: Legislative Analysis and Recommendation." In [Turner & Fichtel, eds, ''Freedom to Build'', 1972].&nbsp;<br /> &nbsp;
SquareOne Villages (2019). "1 Million Month Challenge: Affordable Together." post, February 28, 2019.&nbsp;<nowiki/>.&nbsp; [discusses their award of grant from the Meyer Trust's Million Month Challenge, and includes most of their grant proposal "Affordable Together: scaling a community-based approach to housing"; outline plans to develop Community Land Trust - Limited-Equity Co-op (CLT-LEV) model; describes planned outreach efforts including Toolbox and new&nbsp;Village Framework Plan&nbsp;planning tool].<br /> &nbsp;
Stevens, Robert William, and Ted Swisher, eds. (1986). ''Community Self-help Housing Manual: Partnership in Action''. Intermediate Technology Development Group of North America, 1986.<br /> &nbsp;
Stoecker, R. (1997). "The CDC Model of Urban Redevelopment: A Critique and an Alternative." Journal of Urban Affairs, 19(1): 1-22. &nbsp; PDF: [;]<blockquote>''Abstract:<br /> "This paper questions the viability of an urban redevelopment model that relies on small communiry development corporations (CDCs) and proposes an alternative. Because most CDCs are severely undercapitalized, they can not keep up with accelerating decay. Their existence, and the emphasis placed on their supposed successes, allow elites to blame poor neighborhood CDCs rather than external conditions for redevelopment failure. The model also emphasizes that CDCs be community-based, but because their resource base is controlled from outside the neighborhood there is really very little community control over CDCs. CDCs may even delegitimize more empowerment-focused community organizing attempts by making them appear radical. Consequently, the CDC development process my actually disorganize poor communities by creating internal competition or disrupting social networks. An alternative model of neighborhood redevelopment is proposed which emphasizes community organizing, community-controlled planning, and high-capacity multi-local CDCs held accountable through a strong community organizing process."''</blockquote>
Stone, Lyman. "All economies are mining boom towns on one time scale or another. All cities are tent-cities." [ Tweet March 17, 2016]. <br />
Stone, Lyman. "All economies are mining boom towns on one time scale or another. All cities are tent-cities." [ Tweet March 17, 2016].
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Stevens, Robert William,&nbsp;& Ted Swisher (1986).&nbsp;''Community Self-Help Housing Manual, Revised Edition''. Intermediate Technology Development Group, for&nbsp;Habitat for Humanity, 1986. (original edition: 1982).&nbsp;<br /> &nbsp;
Stevens, Robert William,&nbsp;& Ted Swisher (1986).&nbsp;''Community Self-Help Housing Manual, Revised Edition''. Intermediate Technology Development Group, for&nbsp;Habitat for Humanity, 1986. (original edition: 1982).&nbsp;
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Terner, Ian Donald. "Technology and Autonomy." In [Turner & Fichtel, eds, Freedom to Build, 1972].&nbsp;<br />
Tortorello, Michael. "Small World, Big Idea." ''The New York Times'', Feb. 19, 2014. ''<nowiki/>.''<br /> &nbsp;
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Tsemberis, S. (2010b) Housing First: The Pathways Model to End Homelessness for People with Mental Illness and Addiction (Hazelden: Minnesota). &nbsp;
Turner, Jody (2013). "Collaborative Design Tackles Homelessness" ["A group designing innovative support systems in Portland, Ore., is identifying better ways of living for the homeless and for communities at large]. ''Stanford Social Innovation Review'', Jan. 15, 2013. [on Rethinking Shelter project].&nbsp;
Turner, John F.C. (archive). "John F.C. Turner Archive" (at &nbsp;
Tsemberis, S. (2010b) Housing First: The Pathways Model to End Homelessness for People with Mental Illness and Addiction (Hazelden: Minnesota).<br /> &nbsp;
Turner, John (1968). "The Squatter Settlement: An Architecture that Works." ''Architectural Design'', August 1968 (special issue: "Architecture of Democracy").
Turner, Jody (2013). "Collaborative Design Tackles Homelessness" ["A group designing innovative support systems in Portland, Ore., is identifying better ways of living for the homeless and for communities at large]. ''Stanford Social Innovation Review'', Jan. 15, 2013. [on Rethinking Shelter project].&nbsp;<br /> &nbsp;
Turner, John F. C., and Robert Fichter, eds (1972). ''Freedom to Build: Dweller Control of the Housing Process''.1972.<br /> (PDF 49MB).&nbsp; &nbsp;
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Turner, John F. C. (1976).&nbsp;''Housing By People: Towards Autonomy in Building Environments''.1976. with Introduction by Colin Ward.<br />
Turner, John F. C. (1972). "Housing as a Verb." in Turner, ed.&nbsp;''Freedom to Build: Dweller Control of the Housing Process'' (1972).&nbsp;<br /><br /> &nbsp;
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Turner, John F. C. (1974), "The fits and misfits of people’s housing." ''RIBA Journal'', No. 2, February 1974.&nbsp;<br /><br /> &nbsp;
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Waldroupe, Amanda (2017). "Pilot project in Portland to test locally funded housing vouchers." Street Roots, 23 Jun 2017.
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Vidal, A. (1992). Rebuilding communities: A national study of urban community development corporations.&nbsp;<br /> &nbsp;
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Ward, Colin.&nbsp;''Talking Houses.&nbsp;''(London: Freedom House, 1990).&nbsp;
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___. (2002). ''Cotters and Squatters: Housing's Hidden History''. (Nottingham: Five Leaves, 2002).
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Ward, Peter (1999). ''Colonias and Public Policy in Texas and Mexico: Urbanization by Stealth.''&nbsp;(Austin: University of Texas Press, 1999).<br /> ["describes how a two-tier system of housing regulations was gradually codified by the state in Mexico, leading to the legitimization of sub-optimal informal housing for the poor."].
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Ward, Peter (1999). ''Colonias and Public Policy in Texas and Mexico: Urbanization by Stealth.''&nbsp;(Austin: University of Texas Press, 1999).<br /> ["describes how a two-tier system of housing regulations was gradually codified by the state in Mexico, leading to the legitimization of sub-optimal informal housing for the poor."].<br />
Ward, Peter, ed. (1982). ''Self-Help Housing: A Critique.'' <br /> &nbsp;
Ward, Peter (2012). "Self-Help Housing Ideas and Practice in the Americas. "In book: ''Planning Ideas That Matter: Livability, Territoriality, Governance and Reflective Practice''. Chapter: Chapter 11. Publisher: MIT Press, Editors: Bish Sanyal, Lawrence Vale, Christina Rosen, pp.283-310.<br /> &nbsp;
Ward, P., and G. C. Macoloo (1992). "Articulation theory and self-help housing practice in the 1990s." ''Urban Studies'' 16 (1): 60-80.<blockquote>''Abstract<br /> "Explores the proposition that many aspects of self-help housing practices are being undermined by the penetration of capital accumulation processes at the urban periphery of Third World cities. Specifically, the authors investigate the ways in which different modes of housing production may be articulated - economically, politically and ideologically. Drawing upon evidence in two principal locations (Mexico and Kenya), they analyse the methods and costs of land acquisition by low-income groups, and the production and consumption of building materials for self-help construction. The authors conclude by identifying ways to restore a dialogue between those academics interested primarily in critical theory and housing production, and those researchers and practitioners who are more concerned with policy formulation and implementation."'' &nbsp;</blockquote>
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