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recasting complex, ongoing social situations as problems with definite solutions.
Seeing puzzles to solve, vs issues to address - Gilles Paquet. 
"The belief that all difficulties have benign solutions, often of a technocratic nature."&nbsp;Jennifer Lloyd @JEVLloyd, [ Oct 28, 2013]<br/> &nbsp;
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= <br/> Related terms / quotes&nbsp; =
''« &nbsp;Il n'y a pas de problèmes &nbsp;; il n'y a que des solutions. L'esprit de l'homme invente ensuite le problème. Il voit des problèmes partout. &nbsp;»''<br/> "There are no problems; there are only solutions. The mind of the man then invents the problem. He sees problems everywhere." - André Gide
''« &nbsp;S'il n'y a pas de solution c'est qu'il n'y a pas de problème.»&nbsp;''<br/> ("If there is no solution, there is no problem.")<br/> - Jacques Rouxel.