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[[File:Joe-Rivano-Barros-SB827-SF-map.jpg|500px|thumb|right|500px|tweet by Joe Rivano Barros on SB 827]]
SB827 (2018) is proposed California legislation that would create a "transit-rich housing bonus" to exempt certain new housing, within certain distances from transit, from a variety of current zoning limitations such as maximum density or parking requirements.  It was introduced by San Francisco State Senator Scott Wiener on January 3, 2018.  (Principal coauthor: Senator Skinner; Principal coauthor: Assembly Member Ting). [ Bill text].
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@Hyper_lexic<br/> I think it might go too far in the reach - minimum 45’ zoning on current residential side streets would be a real shock.<br/> &nbsp;
=== Transit could be cut back to circumvent the bill requirements ===
@MarketUrbanism [ 6 Jan 2018].&nbsp;<br/> "As for stopping cities from cutting bus routes, I would say do it based on current service *or* service that existed on Jan. 1, 2018."
=== Could lead to demolition and displacement in low-income areas ===
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=== Upzoing could create pressure for less well-off homeowners to sell and relocate.&nbsp; ===
Dragonfly on Deck @IDoTheThinking<br/> "I would just prioritize&nbsp;<br/> 1) Provisions for tenants displaced by larger projects for guarantee return residency. Could maybe exempt this for smaller dwelling conversions, say a duplex into a 2-story apt."
cf. [ Martha Bridegam twitter thread].&nbsp;
=== new multi-story housing could negatively impact neighbors ===
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=== Transit could be cut back to circumvent the bill requirements ===
@MarketUrbanism [ 6 Jan 2018].&nbsp;<br/> "As for stopping cities from cutting bus routes, I would say do it based on current service *or* service that existed on Jan. 1, 2018."
=== Upzoing could create pressure for less well-off homeowners to sell and relocate.&nbsp; ===
cf. [ Martha Bridegam twitter thread].&nbsp;
Dragonfly on Deck @IDoTheThinking<br/> "I would just prioritize&nbsp;<br/> 1) Provisions for tenants displaced by larger projects for guarantee return residency. Could maybe exempt this for smaller dwelling conversions, say a duplex into a 2-story apt."
=== new multi-story housing could negatively impact neighbors ===
=== &nbsp; ===
=== Setback and lot coverage rules make the height limits weak.&nbsp; ===
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Bjorn @Zmapper [ 6 Jan 2018]:&nbsp;<br/> "Suggestion: Count frequency by number of buses per stop per day (set to equal roughly 15-min/hour frequency) to minimize political service cuts."&nbsp;
Sandy Johnston<br/> ‏<br/> &nbsp;<br/> @sandypsj<br/> "This would treat frequent peak service+infrequent off-peak equally, whereas we should probably be incentivizing frequent all-day service."
@alon_levy<br/> Counterpoint: it's easier for NIMBYs to cut off-peak than peak frequency, because their own transit use is very peaky.
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some of above, and possible more issues noted in thread:&nbsp;<br/> @hanlonbt&nbsp;11:36 AM - [ 6 Jan 2018]<br/> "Please send me common objections to SB 827, thinks like concerns about demolition, reduction in bus service, etc... Thanks!
== Proposals ==
=== Add inclusionary (and/or other affordability & anti-displacement) measures ===
Shane Phillips @shanedphillips<br/> “By far the biggest [concern] I've heard, and it's something I agree with, is the lack of any inclusionary requirements. This is a significant upzone for most areas, and a windfall for current owners. Should be relatively easy to require 10-15% affordable.
Dragonfly on Deck @IDoTheThinking<br/> "I would just prioritize&nbsp;<br/> 1) Provisions for tenants displaced by larger projects for guarantee return residency. Could maybe exempt this for smaller dwelling conversions, say a duplex into a 2-story apt."
&nbsp;<br/> @matthewplan<br/> Replying to @YIMBYwiki @housingforla and 2 others<br/> "3) density bonus housing replacement policies should be expanded to include housing relocation assistance and right of first refusal for new unit at same rent in new building."
=== Better/alternate qualifications for transit-rich locations&nbsp; ===
@MarketUrbanism [ 6 Jan 2018]:<br/> "15-min headways needs to be defined more specifically. I would recommend defining it as total service along a route (so interlining is okay), and define it as, say, four buses within the 8 a.m. and 5 p.m. hours."&nbsp;
Bjorn @Zmapper [ 6 Jan 2018]:&nbsp;<br/> "Suggestion: Count frequency by number of buses per stop per day (set to equal roughly 15-min/hour frequency) to minimize political service cuts."&nbsp;
Sandy Johnston @sandypsj<br/> "This would treat frequent peak service+infrequent off-peak equally, whereas we should probably be incentivizing frequent all-day service."
=== Better defining height limits&nbsp; ===
@MarketUrbanism [ 6 Jan 2018].&nbsp;&nbsp;<br/> "Setbacks and lot coverage rules that make the height limits weak. I would recommend forcing cities to accommodate FAR 2 within 45' zones, FAR 2.5 in 55' zones, and FAR 4 in 85' zones.
=== Address if/how this measure affects or enables multi-use (mixed residential/commercial) projects<br/> <br/> Matthew Plan @matthewplan<br/> &nbsp;Replying to @YIMBYwiki @housingforla and 2 others<br/> "I’ve commented on 1) need to make clear this can apply on sites that don’t allow multifamily today like SF and C zones . Density bonus usually requires a site that allows 5 units before any bonus. Could amend 5 unit limit for all projects (not a bad idea) or remove Use limits." ===
=== Don't apply in historical districts ===
Matthewplan‏&nbsp; @matthewplan<br/> Replying to @YIMBYwiki @housingforla and 2 others<br/> "5) Make clear this does not apply in historic districts or allow more than 1 extra floor in a specific plan area - unless allowed by jurisdiction."
Favor 100% Affordable or cooperative housing&nbsp;
matthewplan @matthewplan<br/> Replying to @YIMBYwiki @housingforla and 2 others<br/> "6) maybe bring down heights 10 ft but provide this 10 extra height to 100% affordable projects or housing cooperatives."
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== References ==
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*Elkind, Ethan. "[ Finally, California Gets A Meaningful Housing Bill: SB 827 (Wiener) would be a game-changer to solve the housing and sprawl crisis.]"&nbsp;''Legal Planet ''blog, 4 January 2018.&nbsp;[].<br/> &nbsp;
*Goodman, Damian. "[ SB 827 Is a Declaration of War on South LA]."&nbsp;''Crenshaw Subway&nbsp;Coalition&nbsp;''blog, 5 Jan 2018. [;]<br/> &nbsp; &nbsp;''"'SB 827 would usurp all of the recent South LA's community plan updates - those years of conversations, workshops and hearings that we engaged in - to replace it with a vision concocted by a pro-gentrification, pro-displacement, real estate industry puppet in Sacramento who goes by the name of Scott Weiner.<br/> &nbsp; &nbsp;''Scott Weiner is to gentrifiers, what Donald Trump is to racists."'<br/> &nbsp;
*O'Malley, Becky. "[ SB 827 (Skinner, D-Berkeley) will destroy local land use control.]" ''Berkeley Daily Planet'', 6 January&nbsp;2018.&nbsp;[]. [mostly quotes Goodman, 5 Jan 2018].&nbsp;<br/> &nbsp;
*Save Marinwood. "[ Senator Wiener, has another ridiculous Housing Bill that could lead to the massive urbanization of Marin County.]" Save Marinwood blog, 5 Jan 2018. [].<br/> &nbsp;
*Wiener, Scott. "California Needs a Housing-First Agenda: My 2018 Housing Package."&nbsp;[].&nbsp;<br/> <br/> &nbsp;