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this is part of the [[Village Buildings]] book / article collection.
Quotations presented in chronological order (roughly):
''"Look upon the covenant: for all the earth is full of darkness, and cruel habitations." ''
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   - Millard Fuller, founder of Habitat for Humanity, in 1968 letter to Koinonia Farm community, proposing HfH. [quoted in Stevens & Swisher, Community Self-Help Housing Manual, published by Habitat for Humanity in 1982].
''"Distrust all claims for 'one true way.'"''
    Unix "Rule of Diversity", in e.g. E.S. Raymond, The Art of Unix Programming, 2003. 
Defining homelessness -- from Kim Hopper & Jim Baumohl. "Redefining the Cursed Word: A Historical Interpretation of American Homelessness." in [Baumohl 1996]:&nbsp;<blockquote>"''Liminality&nbsp;''(from the Latin word for threshold) is a term..for a variety of&nbsp;''states of passage,&nbsp;''through which designated members of a given culture travel at specified times...Because they occupy no fixed status in the liminal state, they are considered ambiguous beings--even dangerous--and their presence is subject to ritual regulation. Special precautions are taken to separate them from ordinary social life...[Liminal states] share a suspension of the commonplace; intermingling with unfamiliar others in strange settings; and a heightened sense of uncertainty, of things being unfinished and in process.&nbsp; Although liminal passages are usually undertaken in well-mapped territory from which the voyager is expected to return,&nbsp;''occasionally the process stalls....We will argue that what unites the phenomena gathered up in the term homelessness is liminality (resolved or stalled) and abeyance gone awry."&nbsp;''</blockquote>