Poverty Is On Purpose

From HousingWiki
Sara Rankin

Poverty Is On Purpose is a term and hashtag used by Sara Rankin, Professor of Law and  Director of Homeless Rights Advocacy Project at Seattle University School of Law.

Hashtag: #povertyisonpurpose.  Twitter search for this hashtag


Call for reading suggestions

Sara Rankin‏ @ProfSaraRankin 8:28 AM - 18 Jan 2018
"What are your go-to texts for explaining the intention and self-preserving function of institutional and systemic discrimination?"

See thread


Reading list from Sara Rankin

(initially posted by Sara Rankin on Twitter, 18 Jan 2018): 

  • Dimed to Death.
  • Hand to Mouth.
  • Bacon, David. (displacement and migration).
  • Desmond, Matthew. Evicted.
  • DeParle. American Dream.
  • Edelman, Peter - works.
  • Freire. Pedagogy of the Poor.
  • Gilmore, Ruthie (prison boom)
  • Knight. Institutions and Social Conflict.
  • Lipman. "Antipoverty Measures."
  • Kozol, Jonathan - works.
  • McCluskey, Mary - work.
  • Piven & Cloward. Regulating the Poor.
  • Rothstein, Edward. The Color of Law.
  • Soss, et al. Disciplining the Poor
  • Tiabbi, The Divide
    "I like The Divide (explaining how the rich commit fraud to enrich themselves and to preserve the status quo) because it is a little more popular/mainstream media accessible."
  • Sudbury, Julia. (on militarism)
  • Taylor, Keeanga-Yahmahtta (on US anti-black racism).


Suggestions from respondents


  • Hatcher, Daniel L. (@PovertyLawProf). Poverty Industry. 
    (suggested by Colleen Shanahan @shanahanlawprof)