Main Page

From HousingWiki
Revision as of 17:58, 5 November 2016 by imported>Admin


This is a new, open wiki for YIMBY (Yes In My Backyard) & housing issues. We invite anyone to start a new page or edit articles on topics related to creating more inclusive, affordable, equitable housing and communities. See Content Guidelines (coming soon) for tips

See Support YIMBYwiki for how to help by donating. 

Below:  "Obama's YIMBY moment"! Boston Globe on the President's support for our movement. 


from White House “Housing Development Toolkit” September 2016:


Latest additions!


Category Map

The articles to which this map links are stubs (containing starting point placeholder text to short entries -- e.g. Affordable housing, Rapid transit, Bike box, Inclusionary zoning, Complete streets, Transit-oriented development and Food swamp) that could use your help to flesh out with a YIMBY versus generic view and a geography/place-specific, as well as larger perspective.

YIMBY Resources






Politics and Policy


Draft outline of core articles (planned or begun): 

  1. YIMBY concept 
  2. Land use regulation (loosely synonymous with zoning)
  3. Housing
    1. Housing systems (US and comparative)
    2. Housing affordability
    3. Housing affordability strategies
    4. Housing benefit programs - e.g. vouchers, tax credits, Housing Benefit (UK)
    5. Housing financing
    6. Social housing, aka Public housing
    7. Affordable Housing i.e. price-restricted or non-market housing
    8. Inclusionary zoning
    9. Housing diversity
      1. Shared, congregate, and cohousing
      2. Mobile and redeployable housing
      3. Accessory dwellings
      4. Missing Middle and infill housing
    10. Housing construction innovation
    11. Community land trusts
    12. Self-build housing
      1. Baugruppen
      2. "Citizen Sector" development model (Alastair Parvin, WikiHouse, etc)
    13. Effects of new housing - on the Ur-question of how new housing affects price and communities.
    14. Homelessness
  4. Transportation  
  5. Funding approaches
    1. General taxation
    2. Development fees - e.g. inclusionary zoning, impact fees, linkage fees
    3. Land Value Tax
    4. Value capture
  6. YIMBY strategies
    1. YIMBY fundraising
  7. YIMBY organizations directory
    1. Reading List

Useful Links


Create New Page

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This is a new, open wiki for YIMBY (Yes In My Backyard) & housing issues. We invite anyone to start a new page or edit articles on topics related to creating more inclusive, affordable, equitable housing and communities. See Content Guidelines (coming soon) for tips.

See Support YIMBYwiki for how to help by donating. 


Latest additions!


Draft outline of core articles (planned or begun): 

  1. YIMBY concept 
  2. Land use regulation (loosely synonymous with zoning)
  3. Housing
    1. Housing systems (US and comparative)
    2. Housing affordability
    3. Housing affordability strategies
    4. Housing benefit programs - e.g. vouchers, tax credits, Housing Benefit (UK)
    5. Housing_financing
    6. Social housing, aka Public housing
    7. Affordable Housing i.e. price-restricted or non-market housing
    8. Inclusionary zoning
    9. Housing diversity
      1. Shared, congregate, and cohousing
      2. Mobile and redeployable housing
      3. Accessory dwellings
      4. Missing Middle and infill housing
    10. Housing construction innovation
    11. Community land trusts
    12. Self-build housing
      1. Baugruppen
      2. "Citizen Sector" development model (Alastair Parvin, WikiHouse, etc)
    13. Effects_of_new_housing - on the Ur-question of how new housing affects price and communities.
    14. Homelessness
  4. Transportation 
  5. Funding_approaches
    1. General_taxation
    2. Development_fees - e.g. inclusionary zoning, impact fees, linkage fees
    3. Land Value Tax
    4. Value capture
  6. YIMBY strategies
    1. YIMBY_fundraising
  7. Housing and land use bibliography
  8. YIMBY organizations directory


Useful Links



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default=(New page title)