Main Page

This is a open site for housing and land-use issues, particularly about creating more inclusive, affordable, equitable housing and communities. This is the old site, using MediaWiki platform; we are now starting new pages on, and moving existing pages to, Google Docs. See Editing/Creating pages for more.


posted October 27, 2021:
YIMBYtown 2022 banner

YIMBYtown 2022 has been announced, to take place in Portland, OR, April 11-13, 2022

From Aaron Brown on the mailing list: "Greetings, friends! We have exciting news to share. On behalf of Portland: Neighbors Welcome and Sightline Institute, I'm thrilled to announce that the 2022 YIMBYtown conference will be held on April 11-13 at Portland State University in downtown Portland, Oregon.

See YIMBYtown 2022 main page on HousingWiki.

see also Previously Featured page

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