Hayden. 1980. "What Would a Non-Sexist City Be Like?"
essay was expanded into the book Redesigning the American Dream, 1984.

from first page footnote: 

"This paper comprised part of the text of a talk for the conference "Planning and Designing a Non-Sexist Society," University of California, Los Angeles, April 21, 1979.  Later published in Signs: Journal of Women in Culture and Society 1980, vol. 5, no. 3 suppl.

"There is an extensive Marxist literature on the importance of spatial design to the economic development of the capitalist city, including Henri Lefebre, La Production de l'espace (Paris: Editions Anthropos, 1974); Manuel Castells, The Urban Question (Cambridge, Mass.: M.I.T. Press, 1977); David Harvey, Social Justice and the City (London: Edward Arnold, 1974); and David Gordon, "Capitalist Development and the History of American Cities," in Marxism and the Metropolis, ed. William K. Tabb and Larry Sawyers (New York: Oxford University Press, 1978).

"None of this work deals adequately with the situation of women as workers and homemakers, nor with the unique spatial inequalities they experience. Nevertheless, it is important to combine the economic and historical analysis of these scholars with the empirical research of non-Marxist feminist urban critics and sociologists who have examined women's experience of conventional housing, such as Gerda Wekerle, "A Woman's Place Is in the City" (paper for the Lincoln Institute of Land Policy, Cambridge, Mass., 1978); and Suzanne Keller, "Women in a Planned Community" (paper for the Lincoln Institute of Land Policy, Cambridge, Mass., 1978). "Only then can one begin to provide a socialist-feminist critique of the spatial design of the American city. It is also essential to develop research on housing similar to Sheila B. Kamerman, "Work and Family in Industrialized Societies," Signs: Journal of Women in Culture and Society 4, no. 4 (Summer 1979): 632-50, which reviews patterns of women's employment, maternity provisions, and child-care policies in Hungary, East Germany, West Germany, France, Sweden, and the United States. A comparable study of housing and related services for employed women could be the basis for more elaborate proposals for change."

"Many attempts to refine socialist and feminist economic theory concerning housework are discussed in an excellent article by Ellen Malos, "Housework and the Politics of Women's Liberation," Socialist Review 37 (January-February 1978): 41-47. A most significant theoretical piece is Movimento di Lotta Femminile, "Programmatic Manifesto for the Struggle of Housewives in the Neighborhood," Socialist Revolution 9 (May-June 1972): 85-90."

