YIMBY policy wishlist

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Revision as of 23:52, 16 January 2018 by imported>Tmccormick

Laura Foote Clark @NeverSassyLaura 3:38 PM - 15 Jan 2018
"Working on a "grab bag" of other policies for YIMBYs.
Please get in touch if you'd like to work together on proposals for (or if you have existing policy proposals for)...
(1) Vacancy Tax
(2) Good demolition controls
(3) New funding sources for Aff Housing
(4) Add to this list"


Vacancy tax


Demolition controls 


Funding sources for Affordable Housing 


Source-of-income nondiscrimination


Construction costs


Mandatory disclosure of the people in control of real property


Form-based codes


Maximum minimums: 1) Lot size 2) parking requirements 3) units per acre 4) FAR

(Dan Keshet). 

Limit landmarking and historical preservation

Repeal Article 34,

(California law which requires public vote to for cities to build public housing and low-income housing financed by bonds). 

Height minimums near transit, overridable only by supermajority vote of city council

Accessory Dwelling Units everywhere

Use regional commercial vacancy rates as a trigger to allow residential development on commercially zoned areas.

(Angela Hockabout)

Empower office parks to build housing on top.

(Angela Hockabout) 

Land value tax 

Allows municipal rental it on net rental income, and increase the rate. 

(currently is only on gross rental income). 
Replace impact fees with a partial set aside of rental income tax revenue. Tax all landlords, not just new one. Tax profit, not investment.

Combined vacancy and rent receipts tax to approximate a land value tax

Yonathan Randolph @yonran


Smarter property tax policy with circuit breaker credits

(Marc Love)

  • Automatic
  • Based on income
  • Available to renters
  • Have an appropriate cap to exclude expensive residential property



Convert excess street, highway, parking space to housing

Lyle Solla-Yates‏  @LyleSollaYates 6:07 PM - 15 Jan 2018
"Skinny streets, urban highway demo, and closing public streets and parking for housing. Basically review public land, and if its current use isn’t better than housing...housing."


By-right story additions


Reform when the exclusionary terms of an HOA’s CC&Rs are enforceable

Yonathan Randolph @yonran
"At the state level, reform when the exclusionary terms of an HOA’s CC&Rs are enforceable. Set a time limit, or allow countywide referendum of exclusionary terms."


Zoning can't be more restrictive than 50th percentile of what exists

Jake Larkin @jakelarkn
zoning (setbacks / lot coverage / height) that can't be more restrictive than the 50th+ percentile of what already exists.

