Main Page

From HousingWiki
Revision as of 06:22, 31 October 2016 by imported>Admin


This is a new, open wiki for YIMBY (Yes In My Backyard) & housing issues, started October 2016, see About  page. 

We invite anyone to start a new page or edit articles on any topic related to creating more inclusive, affordable, equitable housing and communities. See Content Guidelines [to be written -ed]  for tips on what and how to contribute.

See Support YIMBYwiki for how to help by donating. 

Donate via Paypal: click yellow button at left.
Donate via Square



Outline of core articles (planned or begun): 

  1. YIMBY concept 
  2. Land use regulation (loosely synonymous with zoning)
  3. Housing systems (US and comparative)
  4. Housing affordability
  5. Housing affordability strategies
    1. Housing benefit programs - e.g. vouchers, tax credits, Housing Benefit (UK)
    2. Housing_financing
    3. Social housing, aka Public housing
    4. Subsidized housing development
      1. Affordable Housing i.e. price-restricted or non-market housing
    5. Inclusionary zoning
    6. Housing diversity
      1. Missing Middle and infill housing
      2. Accessory dwellings
      3. Mobile and redeployable housing
      4. Shared, congregate, and cohousing
    7. Housing construction innovation
    8. Community land trusts
    9. Self-build housing
      1. "Citizen Sector" development model (Alastair Parvin, WikiHouse, etc)
      2. Baugruppen
  6. Funding_approaches
    1. General_taxation
    2. Development_fees - e.g. inclusionary zoning, impact fees, linkage fees
    3. Land Value Tax
    4. Value capture
  7. Effects of new housing - on the Ur-question of how new housing affects price and communities.
  8. Homelessness
  9. Transportation_issues
  10. YIMBY strategies
  11. Housing and land use bibliography
  12. YIMBY organizations directory


Latest Pages

Useful Links

To Do / future projects

  • edit Mobile view menu to be like Desktop view
  • explore improving editing in Mobile view
  • Editing with Google_Docs idea, and/or other alternate editors. (especially for mobile use)
  • formatting:  make links underlined, or more visible somehow. MediaWiki default is barely visible
  • need better YIMBYwiki backup strategy ASAP
  • is there any way to prevent the editor from constantly reinserting line breaks and spaces ("& n b s p;") and messing up the Main Page separate mobile section?  I amm finding that nearly every time I edit and save the page, I need to remove "< / d i v >" or add line break before "< d i v >" at start of mobile section, and remove a number of extraneous line breaks that have appeared in the "Outline of core articles" section in both Desktop and Mobile parts. wft? Tbh getting really tired of redoing formatting on nearly every single edit/save. -tm.


Create New Page

<inputbox> type=create width=100 break=no buttonlabel=Create new page default=(New page title) </inputbox>




this is an open wiki for YIMBY (Yes In My Backyard) & housing issues. We invite anyone to start or edit articles on topics to with creating more inclusive, affordable, equitable housing and communities. Project started October, 2016. see About page.  

See Content Guidelines (coming soon) for tips on what and how to contribute.

Donate via Paypal: click yellow button at left.
Donate via Square



Outline of core articles (planned or begun): 

  1. YIMBY concept 
  2. Land use regulation (loosely synonymous with zoning)
  3. Housing systems (US and comparative)
  4. Housing affordability
  5. Housing affordability strategies
    1. Housing benefit programs - e.g. vouchers, tax credits, Housing Benefit (UK)
    2. Housing_financing
    3. Social housing, aka Public housing
    4. Subsidized housing development
      1. Affordable Housing i.e. price-restricted or non-market housing
    5. Inclusionary zoning
    6. Housing diversity
      1. Missing Middle and infill housing
      2. Accessory dwellings
      3. Mobile and redeployable housing
      4. Shared, congregate, and cohousing
    7. Housing construction innovation
    8. Community land trusts
    9. Self-build housing
      1. "Citizen Sector" development model (Alastair Parvin, WikiHouse, etc)
      2. Baugruppen
  6. Funding_approaches
    1. General taxation
    2. Development_fees - e.g. inclusionary zoning, impact fees, linkage fees
    3. Land Value Tax
    4. Value capture
  7. Effects of new housing - on the Ur-question of how new housing affects price and communities.
  8. Homelessness
  9. Transportation_issues
  10. YIMBY strategies
  11. Housing and land use bibliography
  12. YIMBY organizations directory


Latest Pages


Useful Links


To Do / future projects

  • edit Mobile view menu to be like Desktop view
  • explore improving editing in Mobile view
  • Editing with Google_Docs idea, and/or other alternate editors. (especially for mobile use)
  • formatting:  make links underlined, or more visible somehow. MediaWiki default is barely visible
  • need better YIMBYwiki backup strategy ASAP
  • is there any way to prevent the editor from constantly reinserting line breaks and spaces ("& n b s p;") and messing up the Main Page separate mobile section?  I amm finding that nearly every time I edit and save the page, I need to remove "< / d i v >" or add line break before "< d i v >" at start of mobile section, and remove a number of extraneous line breaks that have appeared in the "Outline of core articles" section in both Desktop and Mobile parts. wft? Tbh getting really tired of redoing formatting on nearly every single edit/save. -tm.


Create New Page

buttonlabel=Create new page
default=(New page title)